eBook Collection – WordPress Themes

eBook Collection is a new type of theme that allows users to create digital eBooks without having to hire a designer to create a PDF. It can also be used as an modern leadcapture form to capture warm leads who want to go through your eBook or giveaway content! The digital eBook is easy to access – and can be updated easily on any device. The theme is for anyone looking to sell or create eBooks. It’s also the perfect optin page – ith lead capture technology asking the user to optin to get more information, great with PPC ads & more. Perfect for authors or those with ‘leadmagnets’ – to look like the ‘authority’ in their niche with ebook content that looks extremely high-end and converts. and much more! Ebook Collection loads lightning fast, is fully responsive and looks great on ANY device and lets you easily customize any area of your site and you can get it right now. Ebook Collection is a slick WordPress theme made to promote a self made online ebook which looks great on any
